Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Charlie Sheen, What Went Wrong?

When the redundancies of life are boring, you have to change it up. No more drugs and no muzzle on his mouth. I never thought twice of Charlie Sheen, I never had an opinion of him. I loved him in Wall Street and his show is-or now was-my mother's favorite show. Telling people "I had a disease and I cured it, it was called Bullshit." "I'm not Bi-polar, I'm Bi-Winning." My personal favorite was when a reporter asked him "One of the girls said she almost O-Deed hanging out with you." and he exclaimed, while putting a cigarette in his mouth "So what does that have to do with me?"
Clearly he is mad and going on a rampage against the Producer and the network. He is also very confident and blunt and that's what I love about him! I love people who are blunt and will tell you as they see it. Charlie Sheen has been this way his entire life and his former publicist tried his hardest to mask this but he can't be stopped. After I graduated college, I wanted to dabble in becoming a publicist. No one has any idea how quick moving and never ending that job really is. Just being an intern was a 24/7 job, I soon moved on to a  career in politics which was the same (24/7, celebrities everywhere and no vacation).
I met, and un-namingly dated a few celebrities. It seems like a very glamorous lifestyle from the outside looking in, however it isn't. Behind the red carpets, parties, galas, socials, and even secret circles, there are people who are dying to break out of their shell and rebel against the normality of their lives. Charlie Sheen is an example of this, with no publicist or good management, in my opinion, he has flown off the deep end and now had his children taken away-I doubt if he cares too much if at all about them tho. I wonder if in a month from now he issues a public apology to CBS and the producer? after he receives his money of course. That's the name of the game anyway, politics, money, publicity and money. I guess he will soon learn his antics will not shine the best light on him in a courthouse or on the settlement table-well experience is the best teacher I always say.