Wednesday, March 2, 2011

You need the right genetics to be Successful on youtube

LOL. OMG, somepeople may be shocked that I'm writing this post but it needs to be said.What is up with guru's who know just as much as the average girl and getting a thousand subscribers a day? I glanced at a couple youtube guru pages and needless to say, they were gorgeous! There is one really famous youtube guru who has outright said she has an apartment by the beach, an advertisement deal and lives off of her youtube money. For all those that didn't know, YES people make money off of doing youtube videos. Not me, but famous people like Fred, Shane Dawson and NigaHiga make upwards of $10k a month.
They mostly do comedy but there is a girl who does beauty but she basically gets views because she is pretty. She doesn't know that much about beauty and/or fashion.

It makes me mad to watch her videos sometimes because I'm just another view she gets paid for BUT she has a captivated audience. I DO watch her weekly because honestly, no homo,(lol) I want to see her. Is that weird? She is funny, not so much articulate and blabbers for days about herself but I can't get enough of seeing her. It's not just me either, its my friends as well. My bff posted her video on her facebook yesterday. I immediately wrote under it "You know of her too huh." She wrote back "I love her and I don't know why."

I can't knock her because I know there are thousands of girls who tune in weekly for the same reason. Girls want to know what she buys, where she lives and what she did yesterday(because essentially she has no job). She is selling a great brand, herself. As a little girl I wanted to be Stacey Dash. I watched all her movies and shows religiously and tried to act just like her..funny story..Josh and I were at a pizzeria and the cashier looks at me and says "Your really pretty just like that girl in that Richard Pryor Movie and in Clueless."  I said "Stacey Dash?" She said "Yess that's it!" OMG..that made my week.Anywayzzz..

After this guru, there are a few other girls who are following her lead. She has created a following. For example, there is a girl who started a youtube page probably 3 months ago and has more than one thousand subscribers with two videos uploaded! I watched her vids and they didn't impress me but again she was gorgeous.

Moral of the story is: girls watch naturally beautiful guru's most of the time to learn their beauty tricks but there is no trick into becoming beautiful or looking like them, not even makeup. Just love yourself, be genuine and try not to imitate anyone.