Sunday, April 17, 2011

Paying Bills and Yourself

I was talking to a co-worker of mine and she said that she loves paying her bills. I told her eehh not me but it is gratifying to know I have the money to pay them. She said that she has a car note, insurance, mortgage, phone bill, utilities and catholic school for her child. I asked her politely "you pay all those bills by yourself? have you been saving any?" She said no she can't.
This happens to many people and it's for multiple reasons. Either your not getting enough pay or your living above your means. If your paying all your bills and cannot pay yourself first there is something wrong. Pay Yourself First. Save your money! In times of emergency, a car accident, a last minute plane flight or non emergency, remodeling your home, etc we all need a small stash (or perhaps big stash).

Material goods come and go so I don't put much value into them. Purses worth hundreds, yeah i buy one if I want but I never covet or treasure them, it's a purse. The only thing I treasure is people. Family and friends are the people whom I value. I don't pay people on a biweekly basis to love me, they do it voluntarily. The only thing we can take with us when we die are memories and love.

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